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Assault Hand Paddle

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Assault Hand Paddle - _assault-hand-paddle-prototype-1370544884
Assault Hand Paddle - _backwater-paddle-company-logo-1370544884
Assault Hand Paddle - _assault-hand-paddle-pr-photo-1370544884

Paddle Info


1122 Cork Court
FL 32955

Phone: +1 321 750 1259

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Paddle Environment
  • Lakes
  • Oceans
  • Rivers
Paddle Type(s)
Model Year
Recommended Retail Price
USD 29.95
Available Feathers°
Single-handed operation
Available Lengths
22" long by 6" wide
12 ounces
Blade Material(s)
The patented Assault Hand Paddle by Backwater Paddle Company is revolutionizing paddle sportsmen's stealth, mobility and safety. These lightweight and compact hand paddles provide a single-handed paddling option for kayak anglers, duck hunters and sport photographers. You cannot fish, hunt or shoot photos while trying to wrestle a seven foot kayak paddle along with a pole, gun or camera. The Assault Hand Paddle allows the paddle sportsmen to continue to stealthily fish, hunt or shoot photos while staying on target. The Paddle Matters!

Assault Hand Paddles patented "hook and teeth" blade design provide versatility not found with any other paddle. The hook allows for grabbing or snatching of objects for retrieval or pulling your boat. The teeth provide positive purchase when shoving or pushing off objects.

At 22" long by 6" wide, the lightweight and compact Assault Hand Paddles are made from a 10% fiberglass reinforced polypropylene plastic, weighing only 12 ounces...and they float! UV additives are mixed to provide weather resistance and longevity.

The paddles all come with a cushioned hand grip and wrist lanyard.

The Assault Hand Paddle has a "badass" raised graphics package, and a 100% replacement warranty. If you manage to break the Assault Hand Paddle, we will replace it without question!

The Assault Hand Paddle revolution is ON! The Paddle Matters!

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