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Waikiki Expedition

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Waikiki Expedition - 5452_Bildschirmfoto 2010-04-01 um 20.58.57_1270148405
Waikiki Expedition - 5452_Bildschirmfoto 2010-04-01 um 20.59.03_1270148405

Short Facts


Robsonstrasse 1

Phone: +49 9921 882190

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No other is more versatile. No matter whether you are on a short weekend trip or on a multi day tour on lakes and rivers - this light, easy handling and comfortable kayak takes you everywhere. It has a unique shaped hull for maximum stability and easy paddling, whereas the included skeg helps you to fine tune the boats tracking. Even though it only measures 325cm, the Waikiki is one of the fastest of its class up to 4m.

Expedition version: welded bulkhead and waterproof stern hatch.

material: PE Superlinear
capacity: 286 lbs
cockpit: super bigdeck 90 x 50 cm

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