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Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

259 cms / 8'6"
76.2 cms / 30"
The Sub works well for a wide variety of paddlers. it was our first kids board and still works great for them.

Small to large (200 Ibs) paddlers will enjoy it's predictability in the surf. Stable in choppy conditions, it's the easy choice to get you on the water the most days out of the year. The Future fin boxes allowing 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5-fin set ups, like all our Surf SUPs. This board is a great intermediate to advanced Surf-specific board.

The bottom contour and rocker allows for the board to easily take late drops on the face of the wave. With minimal volume in the tail, once on a wave and at plane, it acts more like a 'fish' than a SUP. Super maneuverable, but good volume in the center of the board and a wider rounded nose. All in all, this is the best designed board for East Coast surf that I have ridden to date.

Board Material and weight -

• Bamboo/Solid Color Rail (22Ib)
• Bamboo/ Carbon fibre color rail (22Ib)
• Brushed Carbon Fiber (21Ib)

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