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Winter playboating in Spain

FieraWe couldn't believe our eyes. It was the best wave that we surfed so far except Lyon. The only problem was the eddyline...

On the 5th of March we woke up and it was freezing. Friday morning, but it wasn't a friday just like any other. We had been looking forward to this day the whole winter. Finally we are going kayaking. Our plan was a big trip to Spain-Galicia with our Czech friends. After a 48 hours long snowy drive, we finally arrived at Sallvattera del Mino. There was a small wave which was a little bit slow (blunts were still possible).


The next day we wanted to see the other waves. The Spanish kayakers told to us that the water levela were high, so no playspot was running. Maybe Fiera, which is supposed to be a big hole. They told us that it was just as well possible that we would find nothing there. But we wanted to see it ourselves. We didn't know where it should be located exactly, only information we had was, that it is somewhere under the power station in Fiera. We were lucky and found it immediately. We stopped on a big bridge under which we saw white foam. It looked like a nice hole. When we went down, we were shocked! In front of us was a huge wave. We couldn't believe our eyes. It was the best wave that we had surfed so far except Lyon. The only problem was the eddyline.


You had to paddle very hard across the whole river to get into it. It wasn't easy and because I am not as strong as the boys, sometimes I missed it. If you missed the wave, that meant that you had to go by foot. There wasn't any road but only big stones and prickly trees, 100 meters took around 30 minutes of jumping and sliding. Definitely not a wave for beginners. We stayed there the whole week. Every day we were on the water for about 6 hours. It was unbelievable what you could do there. Blunts for free, anything you wanted.

Fiera Fiera

And after lunch about 2 o'clock when the power station reduced the water release, the wave changed into a big hole where you could do hole tricks, but also wave moves. At the end of the week we were totally exhausted. We had to return home, but we promised ourselves that next year we must come here again for the wintertime.


See the video:

Info sources

Text: Nina Halasov
Pictures: Dalibor Kerber