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Team Adrenal Norwegian Tour

Team Adrenal Norwegian Tour

The Team

Team Adrenal is a Norwegian based kayak team. This year (2004) the team started filming for their new DVD. First stop naturally was Norway. Here is a brief insight into the month long road trip.

The Voss Extreme Week

The whole thing kicked off on the West Side of Norway in Voss. Every year around 1000 competitors from all different adventure sport disciplines gather together in Voss for the "Extreme Week". Voss is also home to some great rivers, including what a lot of people rate as one of the best rivers they have paddled, the Myrkedalselve. The extreme race was the main competition for the paddlers present, as the freestyle event was cancelled due to low water levels, and was won by Adrenals good friend Per Christian Pederson.

The Extreme Week was also host to the rafting Euro cup event. Team Adrenal decided to enter for a laugh and after battling it out against highly trained national teams from countries like Russia and Austria, came in a very respectable 4th. A big part of Voss during this week is also the nightlife. This year didn't disappoint, as we found ourselves on the front row of a Wailers concert, singing our hearts out.

The Sogndalselva

With sore heads we left Voss and headed towards Sogndal where we found very high water levels and even higher road tolls (22 USD each way!). The main reason for visiting Sogndal was to run the famous triple drop on Sogndalselva, but with water levels high above the cut off level, we resorted to paddling the upper stretch.

The Swim

This is a quality continuous 4/4 plus stretch depending on levels. The individual drops are not hard, but the continuous rapids make rescue very difficult, as we were to find out! Poor Becky-Lar swam in the bottom of one of the drops and was hurtled down the river past all the ropes. We chased down the riverbanks and rounded the next corner to see a long straight with no sign of Becky-Lar. "We've missed her", Big Wolf shouted out as he scanned under the surface for her, Nothing! As that horrible sinking feeling hit we glimpsed a yellow cag emerge on the far bank. Becky-Lar had managed to climb out, and while we were panicking on the bank, she was busy being sick from the hits she took to her head.

The Skjak

We decided we should chill so we packed the vans and headed towards Lom and the famous Skjak wave. Again levels were high which was great for the wave but not so for the Sjørli. Another Norwegian classic that again was well above cut off level which later proved fatal to a German group.

The Rest

Feeling revitalized and ready for action we hit the road to paddle loads of other Norwegian favorites including the Laura, Ula, Rauma, Driva, Lagan and Finna as well as stopping off for the Sjoa Kayak Festival.

The Future

We had a great time and paddled some awesome rivers. The best part is that this is just the beginning, we are spending the next year paddling and filming for our DVD so stay tuned for more missions!

The Sponsors

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