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Gorge Games 2000

Full results of the Gorge Games 2000, Head to Head Kayak Race, July 9 2000.
NameBIB #Prelim TimePlace
Men's Head to Head
Eric Jackson 3333.911
Dan Gavere4533.372
Brandon Knapp2636.893
Jay Kincaid3835.914
Ethan Winger4935.105
David Persolija3235.246
Ross Henry3035.707
Keith Liles1035.278
Andy Bedingfeild5640.229
Sam Drevo2835.7010
Steve Fisher4733.7111
Dustin Knapp1636.2312
Clay Wright4434.0913
Daniel Delavergne3738.5314
Ben Coleman239.2415
Dan Burke2139.2616
Ken Whiting434.9417
Rusty Sage2936.3118
Tao Berman5736.3619
Scott Mc Cleskey2036.5420
Taylor Robertson5536.5921
[mail address protected from spambots with javascript] 536.6022
Jono Stevens3436.7023
Charlie Beavers5136.7024
Al Gregory1236.7425
Tom Fredericks2437.6626
Bret Kiene638.3827
Dave Garringer4238.6528
David Hughes5238.7729
Fred Coriell1138.7830
Jim Heis2238.8831
Calef Letorney •1540.3932
Brian Shaw3640.4233
Dan Campbell1740.7434
Mike Rodrigues •54j41.1335
Harry Feild2741.3136
[mail address protected from spambots with javascript] 4041.5237
Chris Stafford •39j41.9938
Michael Edmiston5342.0639
Macy Burnham342.2440
Luke Hopkins3142.7141
Rob Dobson4642.9142
Greg Malory4343.4143
Bob Pool4843.8344
Pat Keller •1444.4645
Erik Eekhoff4144.7546
Trip Jennings3546.3547
Bret Dixon1847.7748
David Grove2347.8149
Covey Baack5049.3450
Tim Gross1952.6451
Women's Head to Head
Tanya Shuman10742.451
Shannon Carol10243.632
Kelly Liles11445.593
Jamie Simon11145.204
Sara Mullet 10543.835
Anna Levesque11045.456
Brook Winger11741.527
Jamie Cooper11344.548
Karen Mann10948.029
Aleta Miller11251.7010
Annie Chamberlain11555.1611
Katie Herzog10857.3012
Astrid Ensign11670.3013