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Corrèze Vézère

River description: Corrèze Vézère

What's it like

The river section where I usually play is a whitewater section. It's nearly 500 meters long and consists of three spots:

  • Goulotte: a mystery move spot.
  • Surf wave: the name says it all...
  • Rouleau: a small hole that can become a wave at higher water levels.

After the Rouleau there are a lot of small waves. The stretch is 100% natural - there are some stones of an old well. It is well suited for freestyle, slalom or wildwater racing.

It starts to be good from 12m3s upwards.

How to get there

La Bontat 19130 Le Saillant. It's near a camping.

More info

Water levels


Sometimes fisherman, but they're not dangerous :)