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Similkameen River: Bromley Rock past Golden Dawn

Similkameen River. Bromley Rock past Golden Dawn.

What's it like

This Section of the Similkameen is beginner friendly natural river with a few good and sometimes great playspots depending on levels. In Claudia Schwab's guidebook Whitewater in Southwest BC it is rated as class II (III-). It is best to hit this in May or June for decent water levels, however you can find good play at most levels. The play wave/hole at Bromely Rock is great park and play and is somewhat eddy serviced. Also at higher water there are some features at the Golden Dawn rapid (III) downstream.

How to get there

Coming from Vancouver drive to the #3 to Princeton. Continue past Princeton about 15-20 mins. until you reach Bromley Rock Provincial Park (camping available) This is a good put in. Carrying on east on the #3 you will see some cabins for rent and a pull off on the left side just before them. You can check out the Golden Dawn Rapid from here. Carry on until you cross the river then turn right onto Old Hedley Road. There are many spots you can takeout on this road so just find a area close to the river that suits your time frame. The run from Bromley to the Old Hedley Bridge takes 2-3hrs depending on levels and play time. Enjoy.

More info

Water Level info can be found at:


Locals are friendly and accustomed to kayakers. Chris Pemberton and Trenna Mcleod are a great source of info and can be found regularly on the river

Info source

Jon Berlie