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Malolo Featured

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Malolo - _waveflo-1403154900
Malolo - 14207_supzero-playak-2014-06-19-at-08-18-20-1403158903
Malolo - 14207_supzero-playak-2014-06-19-at-07-49-03-1403158903
Malolo - 14207_supzero-playak-2014-06-19-at-07-48-22-1403158903
Malolo - 14207_supzero-playak-2014-06-19-at-08-18-37-1403158903
Malolo - 14207_supzero-playak-2014-06-19-at-08-17-50-1403158903
Malolo - 14207_supzero-playak-2014-06-19-at-07-48-37-1403158903
Malolo - 14207_supzero-playak-2014-06-19-at-08-18-06-1403158903
Malolo - 14207_supzero-playak-2014-06-19-at-07-48-48-1403158903

Short Facts


PO Box 654
PA 19333

Phone: +1 610 688 5028

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The board that moves like a fish. The only board that will really move you.

The Malolo is everything you ever hoped a standup paddleboard could be. Compact, lightweight, stable, fast. The Malolo turns on a dime when you want, and tracks better than any other paddleboard when you want to go straight. Malolo weighs a mere 17lbs and accommodates all riders up to 225lbs

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