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Genesis V:I 2012
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Short Facts
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Stats (Metric)
171 cms / 5'7.3"
65 cms / 25.6"
34 cms / 13.4"
13.5 kg / 30 lbs
185.5 ltr / 49 gal
Cockpit Length
86 cms / 33.9"
Cockpit Width
50 cms / 19.7"
Minimum Paddler Weight
35 kg / 77 lbs
Maximum Paddler Weight
75 kg / 165 lbs
Due to the success of our recent composite series we just couldn't hold back on pushing our newest freestyle design into plastic.
Unleash your true potential...
The 2012 Genesis Series is faster, more forgiving and lets you push your paddling to the next level.
Whether you're a beginner jumping in your first freestyle kayak or a pro searching for that next big trick the Genesis will help you get there.
Mixing forgiving edges with rails that still carve and give a crisp release. Secondary rails in the nose and tail to let you ride your edge right up until the peak of your bounce. Short and loose for effortless spins and faster rotation from end to end.
Centralized volume for huge loops and balanced cartwheels. Whether your in a hole or on a wave the Genesis has you covered.
The theme behind this boat during it's design was to create a boat that would be forgiving and responsive at the same time. A boat that would make learning to paddle or learning a new move easier by not simply being forgiving, but by letting you feel how your boat is reacting in the water at the same time.
The idea was to bring back the connection between the paddler and the water to in the end give a far more satisfying paddling experience.
• Stiff 1 piece molded seat
• Easily adjustable seat position
• Strong yet lite Alum-Allow ratchet brackets
• HipFlex System
3-Way 'ratchet,hip pad, backband' system.
Hip pads are mounted on flexible flaps which adjust inwards as the backband is tightened. This helps to hold the paddler in place via three adjustable contact points.
• Easily modifiable Hip Pads
Made from a robust elasticized material which allows the paddler the option to form their own desired hip pad shape.
• Adjustable Thigh Braces
Made from stiff HDPE plastic the thight braces easily slide forward and back when adjusted. A non-slip textured boat then gives you a comfortable and controling fit.
• Comfortable, Simple, Solid!
Unleash your true potential...
The 2012 Genesis Series is faster, more forgiving and lets you push your paddling to the next level.
Whether you're a beginner jumping in your first freestyle kayak or a pro searching for that next big trick the Genesis will help you get there.
Mixing forgiving edges with rails that still carve and give a crisp release. Secondary rails in the nose and tail to let you ride your edge right up until the peak of your bounce. Short and loose for effortless spins and faster rotation from end to end.
Centralized volume for huge loops and balanced cartwheels. Whether your in a hole or on a wave the Genesis has you covered.
The theme behind this boat during it's design was to create a boat that would be forgiving and responsive at the same time. A boat that would make learning to paddle or learning a new move easier by not simply being forgiving, but by letting you feel how your boat is reacting in the water at the same time.
The idea was to bring back the connection between the paddler and the water to in the end give a far more satisfying paddling experience.
• Stiff 1 piece molded seat
• Easily adjustable seat position
• Strong yet lite Alum-Allow ratchet brackets
• HipFlex System
3-Way 'ratchet,hip pad, backband' system.
Hip pads are mounted on flexible flaps which adjust inwards as the backband is tightened. This helps to hold the paddler in place via three adjustable contact points.
• Easily modifiable Hip Pads
Made from a robust elasticized material which allows the paddler the option to form their own desired hip pad shape.
• Adjustable Thigh Braces
Made from stiff HDPE plastic the thight braces easily slide forward and back when adjusted. A non-slip textured boat then gives you a comfortable and controling fit.
• Comfortable, Simple, Solid!
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