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Titan Kayaks

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Titan Kayaks - 4316_titankayaks_1292236559
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Titan Kayaks is an athlete based high performance water craft company. That’s our generic pitch anyways. The company was started in early 2009 by athlete and founder Anthony Yap. Since that beginning friends and family have been working tirelessly designing, prototyping, testing and researching to make sure that we bring you what we feel are the best kayak designs on the market.

The motivation for Titan Kayaks grew over a number of years. The kayak industry started to be overwhelmed by large corporate companies, athletes were having a hard time getting their ideas for designs heard and it seemed like the industry was more about making money then it was about the paddlers they were designing for.

Memories of a time in the sport resonated through a few paddlers who could remember when team athletes weren't just paddlers who happened to paddle the same boats but were actually a team, when designs were unique and radical and when those designs were shaped by paddlers themselves. It were these ideas that spawned the creation of Titan Kayaks in an effort to recapture part of the kayak culture that slowly seemed to be fading.

Our goal is to remain a small, grass roots company. A company capable of listening to the paddlers and taking their dreams of what they would like to see on the water and to make it a reality, and to help bring back that close team feeling and sense of community that we all as paddlers should feel a part of.

We're not in it for the money, status, or global river domination, we're simply here for you, our fellow kayakers and to do all we can to make your time on the water as fun as possible.

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