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Ricochet Full Cut

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Ricochet Full Cut - boats_1426-1
Ricochet Full Cut - boats_1426-3

Short Facts

Jackson Kayak

325 Iris Dr.
TN 38583

Phone: +1 931-657-3530

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Whether you want to make the Olympic Team or get younger kids into slalom, or just have a super lightweight, fun to paddle, fast kayak the Ricochet is a great place to start.

Made in the USA it is easy to cut down to size and get you your boat in a timely manner so you can spend more time paddling and less time waiting. If you don’t yet have a Ricochet, what you are waiting for? They are being built and shipped to your favorite rivers and slalom courses today! This is the ultimate boat for kids. It was designed to be cut down from a medium size (Full cut) to a small size (junior cut) and to the extra small size (cadet cut). It is not available for larger boaters, but that is what makes it so good for the small boater and kids.

You won’t regret the decision!


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