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Little Hero

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Little Hero - boats_1519-1
Little Hero - boats_1519-2

Short Facts

Jackson Kayak

325 Iris Dr.
TN 38583

Phone: +1 931-657-3530

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Intended Paddling Environment


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Your best selling and performing new river runner, and instructional kayak line is finally complete!

The side Kick handles the miniature paddlers and the Hero handles the medium ones, but what about the little ones? The Little Hero adds a 4th size, to fill the gap and give you a complete lineup of river runners !

You can us e these 4 boats as your workhorse for your kayak school and your staple “go to” boat s for beginners and river runners.

# Quick and easy bulkhead adjustment.
# Super Comfortable
# Make s everyone feel like rolling champ s
# Make s rivers feel a class easier
# Safe, durable, and great looking

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