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Fun Runner 70

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Fun Runner 70 - 11518_kayak0930_1323856381
Fun Runner 70 - _funrunnerproduct_1315921958

Short Facts

Jackson Kayak

325 Iris Dr.
TN 38583

Phone: +1 931-657-3530

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 1149


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If you want to river run easily, surf waves and holes in control, but want more speed, room, and ease of staying upright than other river running playboats, this is for you. A big step towards river running from the Fun, but still keeping the great surfing characteristics of the JK playboats, the Fun Runner is just that- A really Fun river Runner. If you want to river run easily, surf waves and holes in control, but want more speed, room, and ease of staying upright than other river running playboats, this is for you. A big step towards river running from the Fun, but still keeping the great surfing characteristics of the JK playboats, the Fun Runner is just that- A really Fun river Runner. Since it is nearly a foot longer than a fun, and nearly a foot shorter than most creekers it is positioned right in the middle for length, speed, and maneuverability. This boat is instruction and learning friendly, while it also performs beautifully for the most advanced paddlers. The Fun Runner is built from scratch from the ground up with a friendly planing hull and effective chines/edges, as well as a roomy foot area as part of a sleek low profile deck for surfing and keeping the boats weight to a minimum. The Fun Runner helps complete the river running category for Jackson Kayak in good form.

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