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Black River, (Route) Three Wave

Playspot: USA, New York State, Black River, (Route) Three Wave

What's it like

Three Wave is a nice wave on the Black River. It is steep enough to do clean spins but cartwheels are usually not retentive (at most levels there is a foam pile that helps a bit though). At high levels, it loses its foam pile. At really high levels, it washes out. There is eddy access from both sides. It is shallow at all levels. The Three Wave is part of a wave train but the waves behind it are surgy and therefore hard to surf at any level. The one directly behind it is an exception at some levels, but it is always a beginner kind of worthless surf wave.
Even though it looks tempting, DO NOT WAVEWHEEL on Three Wave, you will piton hard. You can wavewheel behind on the wave train but the Three Wave itself is on a shallow shelf. The Three Wave is well lit for night surfing.

Levels information can not really be determined by looking at online gauges since this section of river is dam controlled and they remove and add flood control boards every once in a while. It runs most of the time (all summer for sure).

How to get there

It is called Three Wave because it is just under the Route Three bridge on the Black River. Take the I81 to Watertown New York. Take Route 12 east to Route 3. When you cross the river you're there. The wave is under the overpass.

Info sources

Kenny Unser,
[mail address protected from spambots with javascript]

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