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Solstice Watersports

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Solstice Watersports - _solstice-1383679034
Solstice Watersports - 13587_playak-supzero-2013-11-05-at-8-19-39-pm-1383679204

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Swimline Watersports



191 Rodeo Drive
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Swimline Corp. carries the most current above-ground liner patterns in the industry and the innovative 2 in 1 uni-bead liner system. We produce the highest quality liners available using the most advanced technology in the industry. We also carry a complete line of winter covers, leaf nets and winter accessories. International Leisure Products supplies everything you need for retail, including pool inflatables, toys, games, swim gear and HydroTools, our complete line of maintenance equipment. Visit us at to see our complete line of swimming pool products.

Swimline Corp. is a family owned and operated business. Founded in 1971 Swimline has grown to be the largest manufacturer of above-ground swimming pool liners in the world. In addition Swimline Corp. is the largest importer of in-ground and above-ground swimming pool covers and related accessories. In 1990 Swimline founded International Leisure Products, increasing their close relationship with the swimming pool industry by supplying pooltoys, games and accessories. Sales of the ILP line has steadily increased with popular acceptance of the "Swimline" brand which is reserved for sale in the pool industry.

In October of 1994 Swimline's International Leisure Products' acquired from United Leisure Industries Hydrotools Inc., a manufacturer of traditional swimming pool accessories, such as leaf skimmers, brushes and vac heads. The Hydrotools products line further strengthens Swimline's ability to supply quality products to the pool trade. Swimline/International Leisure Products has been able to reach over a 50% market share by giving consistently reliable service and quality to our distributors and dealers. Our commitment is to continue and constantly improve all aspects of our business.


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