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Pipeline Paddle Boards

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Pipeline Paddle Boards - _supzero-playak-2014-11-04-at-20-09-46-1415128448

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+1 888-499-9831


54530 Pontiac Trail
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Why did we start a Paddle Board company? THE GENESIS: Because we grew to enjoy the sport! Amidst the Great Lakes and in the automotive engineering capital of the world, post-Paddle Boarding discussions grew from,” which boards do we like to”, “let’s design our own board.”

We quickly came up with a name and logo. While a Pipeline is a surfer’s best friend it’s not bad for a SUPper, its very close cousin! Pipeline Paddle Boards’ logo is a sort of wavy yin yang of PPB (Pipeline Paddle Boards). We think it’s akin to a harmonious sloshing and lapping of peaceful waves doing what we like to do most; SUP! The logo was followed by board models: We wanted to design boards that had universal appeal and could be used by a wide range of SUP enthusiasts. We called upon an engineer friend who has designed everything from cars and boats to the components that make them go. We told him what we liked in competitor boards and what we would like to see and feel on the water. While it’s not rocket science, in fact it’s Computational Fluid Dynamics, we feel we have board models and designs that meet the needs of a vast variety of Stand Up Paddle Boarders and function as good as any board displacing or gliding through water. We feel our designs our “fresh” and we look forward to creating more models and designs, and a racing model or two….or three. Because naturally as you grow into a sport, or in this case a passion, you always want to push for more!


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