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Dragonfly Boatworks
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- Boards
- Boats
Mark Castlow and Jimbo Meador grew up on the water, Jimbo in Alabama and Mark on Florida's east coast. Both are avid sports men too, merrily making their separate livings in boating, fishing, and kayaking. No surprise, then, that some years ago they were idly tossing about ideas on how they could combine their favorite sports by designing a "board" stable enough to allow fishing. It was a fire that wouldn't go out and, as the years moved forward so, too, did all the ideas. How-to became what-if which led to mock-ups, revising, testing and refining. Talented friends joined in too…Jimmy and Charlie…adding skills, experience and the patience needed to repeatedly test the products. At Dragonfly Boatworks we can proudly say we've made it easy for you…these boards bear our approval.
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