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Pro Glass Blades on a Straight White Shaft

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Pro Glass Blades on a Straight White Shaft - _prowhiteglsve3-1416984758
Pro Glass Blades on a Straight White Shaft - _proglassblasswhiteshaft1-1416984758
Pro Glass Blades on a Straight White Shaft - _prowhiteglsve-1416984758

Paddle Info


43 Aaron Close
Wilford Village
NG11 7DJ

Phone: +44 79 60060422

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Paddle Environment
  • Lakes
  • Oceans
  • Rivers
  • Whitewater
Paddle Type(s)
Model Year
Shaft Material(s)
Blade Material(s)
Light, strong, and powerful!

The blades are made from 100% glass fibre which is pre-impregnated with toughened epoxy resin.

Our pro glass blades are manufactured at very high pressures to produce an extremely solid hard wearing edge.

With geometry that is extremely strong, and 30% more glass than the market leader, you have the strongest most durable glass blade on the market!

The glass shaft provides a small amount of flex as preferred by many white water paddlers.

Supplied with oval shaft in the area of the hand grip.

A paddle you can trust wherever you are!

Weight @ 190cm = Only 945g [+/- 3%]

Now available as splits! Ideal for fitting in the car, people travelling or as an emergency paddle.

The split joint is strong and robust, requires no tools and can be easily operated from inside the kayak.

VE paddles come with a 1 year warranty against manufactured defects. Every set of VE paddles are custom made just for you! They can be made to any length and feather angle, either left or right handed. If you are unsure of what length and angle you require contact us for expert advice. We aim to deliver within two weeks of receiving an order; if you need them sooner than this, we will try to help, just contact us.

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