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Beam 3.1

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Beam 3.1 - 5463_Bildschirmfoto 2010-04-01 um 22.48.21_1270155088

Paddle Info

Paddle Environment
Paddle Type(s)
Model Year
Available Feathers°
Available Lengths
215-222, 223-230, 231-238 cm
1000 g
Shaft Material(s)
Blade Material(s)
Available Shaft Type(s)
Beam reloaded: optimized blade shape, new manufacturing process, even better performance, lighter weight - these are the main features of our new Beam series. The Beam blade offers great performance for freestyle and whitewater. Its large blade delivers maximum power and thanks to its slightly dihedral powerface flutterfree strokes. The back of the blade gives immediate response and power on back strokes. The blade is reinforced with extra layers of material towards the tip in three steps. Wear and tear is minimized and extra strength is added. The Beam is available in three different material compositions and with straight or our signature neutral bent shaft.

blade size: 48 x 22 cm

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