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Paddle Info
Paddle Environment
Paddle Type(s)
Model Year
Recommended Retail Price
USD 329.95
Available Lengths
70-72", 72-74", 74-76", 76-78", 78-80", 80-82", 82-84"
Available Shaft Type(s)
The QuickDraw is a high performance touring and moderate surf stand up paddle with fully adjustable length using a telescoping shaft and Cam Lock ferrule. This year's Rip blade is slightly smaller for higher cadence paddling and is preferred for waves as well as for touring and racing. The adjustment range an impressive 63-90 inches.
Height - Paddle Length
5'2" - 70-72"
5'4" - 72-74"
5'6" - 74-76"
5'8" - 76-78"
5'10" - 78-80"
6'0" - 80-82"
6'2" - 82-84"
Height - Paddle Length
5'2" - 70-72"
5'4" - 72-74"
5'6" - 74-76"
5'8" - 76-78"
5'10" - 78-80"
6'0" - 80-82"
6'2" - 82-84"
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