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Greenland Style Storm

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Greenland Style Storm - _02_1311358230

Paddle Info


24379 Little Trout Valley Rd.
MN 55987

Phone: +1 507-313-8490

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Paddle Environment
  • Lakes
  • Oceans
  • Rivers
Paddle Type(s)
Model Year
Recommended Retail Price
USD 180
Available Lengths
20oz - 28oz
Shaft Material(s)
Blade Material(s)
Greenland Style Storm Kayak Paddle From the ever growing number of kayakers today to the Inuit culture of centuries past people have found express pleasure in paddling a Greenland style paddle. For thousands of years its simple design has remained almost unchanged and therein lies the beauty of this paddle. It has truly stood the test of time.

The Greenland storm is a traditional short Greenland paddle. At 6 ft. long this paddle is meant to strap onto the deck of a kayak and used when the wind kicks up—less wind resistance!

Overall Length: 72” (Custom lengths available upon request)
Loom Length: 6”
Average Weight: 20 - 28oz.(Depending on length & finish choice)
Blade Dimensions: 3 1/8" x 33”
Loom Dimensions: 6” Oval Shape
Wood Type: Western Red and White Cedar
Finishing Options: Oil or Epoxy/Spar Urethane or Fiberglass/Epoxy/Spar Urethane
'Sanborn Canoe Co.' is branded onto one face of blade

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