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Mako Basic No MakoFlex Covering

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Mako Basic No MakoFlex Covering - _makobasic-1372437869

Paddle Info


PO Box 4120 # 82313
OR 97208

Phone: +1- 888- 997 2528

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Paddle Environment
  • Lakes
  • Rivers
  • Surf
Paddle Type(s)
Model Year
Recommended Retail Price
USD 261.45
Available Lengths
Paddle length can be custom sized upto 86"
Shaft Material(s)
Blade Material(s)
Available Shaft Type(s)
Our Signature fin design draws inspiration from sharks creating an unforgettable experience. The team took the traditional tear drop design and turned it on its head.

We used advanced computer models to simulate water flow on our blade to ensure maximum coverage with power and precision.

The cut out on the base of paddle is similar to what you see on sharks dorsal fin. It helps to guide the water up over the blade face and that's when our nanotechnology covering comes into action.

We leverage marine grade materials from a supplier to the US Navy and our design team included a former Naval architect who built submarines - so we think we are pretty good under the water too.

Our paddles come with an egornomic handle and full carbon shaft - If you would like us to cut the shaft to your specifications we are happy to do so for free. Please specify your requested paddle length at checkout and see our most helpful sizing guide for more information. Features

• Lightweight ALL carbon paddle
• Paddle length can be custom sized upto 86"
• Signature Palau Logo design
• Nano-Tech Mako skin applied to the paddle face
• Blade weighs just 20 Ounces
• Diheral Face 9 " wide
• Performance 11 degree blade
• 1 Year Warranty

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