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Sprint Wing

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Sprint Wing - _1_1296309602

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SPRINT WING 20" X 7.125" For strong paddlers and / or folks looking for a ultra powerful paddle to use with a slower cadence. This is one of the most powerful wings on the market.... This paddle WILL hit you back if you push it ... be honest with yourself ... can you really spin this thing with efficiency? Gotta have the power for a Sprint. If you have a slender, diesel engine type physique I opine you would be better off with the Endurance profiles. Another fun thing the Sprint Profiles are good for besides keeping your boat at 10/10ths is just cruising around..... sort of like riding around town in the big ring on a cold day. This larger profile WILL get you a couple more 10ths on the top end. Sort of like that 54 you have been saving for the race to the next post.

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