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Bionic Flow

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Bionic Flow - 5406_bionicfloweasy_1268533779
Bionic Flow - 5406_BIONICFLOWWHOLEPIC_1268533779
Bionic Flow - 5406_bionicflowcarbon_1268533779
Bionic Flow - 5406_bionicflowhighend_1268533779
Bionic Flow - 5406_BIONICFLOWGRIP_1268533779

Paddle Info

Paddle Environment
Paddle Type(s)
Model Year
The flow is the most versatile blade of our Bionic series. Its moderate and balanced size relates to the paddling style of most paddlers. The flow is well suited for training or an afternoon cruise down your favorite run. An excellent blade for all uses.

Blade size: 744,35 cm2

Available in material combos,easy,carbon or high end.

Bionic flow – Easy
Weight: 1090 gramm at length 195 cm
Blades: Polyamid, glass
Shaft: Epoxid, glas black
Color: Mellow yellow

Bionic flow – Carbon
Weight: 1040 gramm at length 195 cm
Blades: Polyamid, carbon
Shaft: Epoxid, glass black
Color: Carbon black

Bionic flow – High end
Weight: 1020 gramm at length 195 cm
Blades: polyamid, carbon
color: carbon black

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