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Nalu Stand Up Paddle

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Nalu Stand Up Paddle - _Nalu2011lg_1293535627
Nalu Stand Up Paddle - _getmediaobject_1293535627
Nalu Stand Up Paddle - _01_1293535627

Paddle Info


P.O. Box 5626
OR 97708

Phone: +1 541-382-5355

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Paddle Environment
Paddle Type(s)
Model Year
Recommended Retail Price
USD 339
Available Lengths
68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86 inches
26 oz
Available Shaft Type(s)
The KIALOA design team has a saying, "The faster the craft, the bigger the blade." Flatwater sprinting and downwind racing on sleek race boards are the speed events of SUP. In these high glide applications, the Nalu provides maximum traction to move from swell to swell. If you are strong, fit and fast, the Nalu is the stand up paddle to put you on the podium. * Surface Area: 108 sq in
• Blade Width: 9.25"
• Blade Length: 16.5"

Blade Graphic(Required): Black, Blue Monstera, Yellow Tattoo

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