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EDGE Fiberglass Adjustable

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EDGE Fiberglass Adjustable - _edgefibreglass-1381394530

Paddle Info

Paddle Environment
  • Creeks
  • Lakes
  • Oceans
  • Rivers
  • Surf
  • Whitewater
Paddle Type(s)
Model Year
32.45 oz
Shaft Material(s)
Blade Material(s)
The EDGE series is a new patented concept from Epic Gear. All of the EDGE paddles have a urethane edge molded into the blade. This soft urethane edge protects the SUP board from scrapes and dings caused by contact from the paddle. This will be a giant step foward in keeping your boards looking great! Paddle weighs 32.45 oz.

Available Sizes
67" - 82"

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