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Krypton – Carbon/Plastic

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Krypton – Carbon/Plastic - 12874_krypton-1372404401

Paddle Info


27085 Camino De Estrella #B
Capistrano Beach
CA 92624

Phone: +1 949 885 6753

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Paddle Environment
  • Lakes
  • Rivers
  • Whitewater
Paddle Type(s)
Model Year
Available Lengths
Dimensions: Blade 7″ x 17″. Max Paddle length 90″
Shaft Material(s)
Blade Material(s)
  • Fiberglass
  • Plastic
Available Shaft Type(s)
This is our whitewater blade, designed to take all the abuse you can throw at it, and yet still be light and performing. Our unique glass reinforced plastic blade won’t delaminate or chip from repeated impacts with rocks, while the carbon shaft gives you that familiar performance feel that you want from a high end paddle. Adjustable length allows you to tailor the paddle to your needs – longer for hard river running and shorter for surfing – on the fly.

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