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Double Bladed Paddle

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Double Bladed Paddle - _doublebladedpaddle-1405063369

Paddle Info


2510 East Sunset Rd.
Ste 5-257
Las Vegas
NV 89120

Phone: +1 805.715.3781

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Paddle Environment
  • Lakes
  • Oceans
  • Rivers
  • Surf
Paddle Type(s)
Model Year
Available Lengths
11 feet
2.5 lbs.
Shaft Material(s)
  • Carbon
  • Fiberglass
Blade Material(s)
  • Carbon
  • Fiberglass
Carbonerro takes a page from kayaking with its double blade. This clever alternative to a single blade makes it easier to balance and maintain speed, and it also puts less stress on your body. With the ability to break down into an adjustable single blade paddle on the go, this gives you two paddles for the price of one.

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