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Paddle Info


2510 East Sunset Rd.
Ste 5-257
Las Vegas
NV 89120

Phone: +1 805.715.3781

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Paddle Environment
  • Lakes
  • Oceans
  • Rivers
  • Surf
Paddle Type(s)
Model Year
Available Feathers°
Blade Angle: 10°
Available Lengths
85.25" uncut
Cut @ 78" with handle: 20.5 oz / 581 g
Shaft Material(s)
Blade Material(s)
Available Shaft Type(s)
We have worked hard to interpret and render a meaningful advancement in paddle design and production. We are committed to providing our customers with paddles that will redefine and establish a new standard of excellence in quality and performance.

Paddles and Shafts

Our carbon fiber paddles are beautifully constructed with an elongated ten-degree teardrop blade, smooth drawn out dihedral spine, and reinforced ABS edge. The sub-laminated graphics will ensure that your paddle will hold up and look great over time. Our carbon fiber shafts have just the right amount of flex to evenly distribute the energy from your body to the blade. This allows for a smoother transition without compromising performance or sacrificing your body to stress and fatigue.


What ever happened to women and children first? We didn't just make "a paddle" for your average adult male, we've created a complete range of seven different paddles and sizes to accommodate the needs of everyone who wants to enjoy the sport of Stand Up Paddleboarding. Our paddles are anatomically correct and perfectly proportioned to match your size, weight, and strength.

Blade Size: 115 sq."
Blade Length: 21.5"
Blade Width: 8.75"

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