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105 X Series

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105 X Series - _carbonerr105xseries-1404989361

Paddle Info


2510 East Sunset Rd.
Ste 5-257
Las Vegas
NV 89120

Phone: +1 805.715.3781

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Paddle Environment
  • Lakes
  • Oceans
  • Rivers
  • Surf
Paddle Type(s)
Model Year
Available Feathers°
581 gr
Smooth, raw power describes CARBONERRO 105! There's NO blade flutter or cavitation on release; NO drifting from side to side through each stroke. Extremely stable through the entire stroke from the catch to the release. At 8 1/2" wide this paddle will be the one to beat. An excellent choice for paddlers between 190 - 230 lbs.


Blade size: 105 in²
Blade length: 20.5"
Blade width: 8.50"
Paddle weight cut @ 78" with handle 20.5 oz (581 gr)
Angle of blade: 10°
Uncut: 84.50"

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