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Kids 2 Pc. Adjustable

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Kids 2 Pc. Adjustable - _kids2paddle-1446790675

Paddle Info

Paddle Environment
  • Lakes
  • Oceans
  • Rivers
  • Surf
Paddle Type(s)
Model Year
Shaft Material(s)
Blade Material(s)
This is a great paddle for children, and some adults. It is made of high quality fiberglass and is adjustable from 64" up to 74". It comes with our keel-shaped dihedral power face which helps to steer the paddle straight for less paddle wander when taking strokes. Adjustable from 64" to 74" for kids and adults up to 5'6"
All fiberglass for strength and durability
8" blade provide plenty of power
Round shaft and comfortable t-top are easy to hold
Bottom section measures 52"

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