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Canoe Gere Fishbone

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Canoe Gere Fishbone - 9523_3_1286463973

Paddle Info

Paddle Environment
  • Lakes
  • Rivers
Paddle Type(s)
Model Year
900 g
Blade Material(s)
  • Fiberglass
  • Wood
Available Shaft Type(s)
This paddle represents a completely new method of construction of wooden canoe paddles. The components of the blade are fitted not parallel to the "center-piece" of the structure, but are placed in a fishbone-like fashion, so that the grain of the components runs at an angle to the "cen-ter-piece".

While the blade is still con-structed solely of wood, this method of building makes the paddle extremely durable compared to teaditionally built wooden blades.

This new method of construc-tion also results in a beautiful new look, raising the standart of Brácsa paddle design yet
another notch.

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