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The Badger Tripper

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The Badger Tripper - _shapeimage-7-1392141236

Paddle Info



Phone: +1 (705) 783-6016

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Paddle Environment
  • Lakes
  • Oceans
  • Rivers
Paddle Type(s)
Model Year
Shaft Material(s)
Blade Material(s)
The Badger- Tripper is a very effective and popular canoe tripping paddle based on our “slicy” modified ottertails.
A hybrid paddle, we have taken our favourite aspects from the original Badger Paw and Tripper designs and combined them into one. The result is an extremely fluid, quite, and aesthetically pleasing paddle.
This design is a top choice for trippers – or those who spend most of their day in the canoe.

Badger Category: CLAW

•*due to the nature of hand crafted work, these measurements are approximate and could differ as much as ¼” or more. The width is taken at the widest part of the paddle blade and the length is the measurement of the blade from it’s end to it’s neck.

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