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Predator - 9423_PredatorKayakFishingHandPaddle1155x291_1285660948
Predator - 9423_PredatorHandPaddlevsDuckHunters304x233_1285660948
Predator - 9423_PredatorKayakFishingHandPaddlewithTackle360x411_1285660948
Predator - 9423_FishingwithPredatorKayakFishingHandPaddle501x283_1285660948

Paddle Info


1122 Cork Court
FL 32955

Phone: +1 321 750 1259

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Paddle Environment
  • Lakes
  • Rivers
Paddle Type(s)
Model Year
Recommended Retail Price
Available Lengths
Blade 6" x 9"
Total Length 15"
6 ounces
Shaft Material(s)
Blade Material(s)
Paddle or Fish? Paddle or Hunt? The Kayak Sportsman's Dilemma!

The PREDATOR Kayak and PIRANHA Fishing Hand Paddles allows you the opportunity to fish, photograph or hunt while moving your boat simultaneously!

You DO NOT have to put your fishing rod or camera down and break out a seven foot paddle to move your boat a few yards to stalk your prey. Simply placing the PREDATOR or PIRANHA Hand Paddle between your legs, or within easy reach, provides immediate access to a simple propulsion mode.

You will never have to let loose of your fishing rod, camera, hunting gear or lose sight of moving prey. A few stealthy strokes from the PREDATOR or PIRANHA Kayak Fishing Hand Paddle places you back on target.

Fishing and stalking has never been so easy for the paddle sports fishermen!!

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