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Shred Hybrid

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Shred Hybrid - 5455_Bildschirmfoto 2010-04-01 um 21.36.32_1270150464

Paddle Info


812 Prospect Court
WI 54020

Phone: +1 715-755-3405

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Paddle Type(s)
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Available Lengths
192cm, 194cm, 196cm, 198cm, 200cm
36.5 oz
Shaft Material(s)
Available Shaft Type(s)
The Shred and Splat Series paddles are designed with the passionate whitewater kayaker in mind. The Shred series is geared for the aggressive paddler wanting more bite with each stroke. While the Splat series is geared for those looking for light weight yet great whitewater performance. Our Carbon paddles are made with lightweight abX carbon blades and the durable T-700 carbon shaft offering unrivaled performance and strength. The Hybrid paddles are a great mid-range choice, featuring a superb blend of materials. The FG paddles are an excellent match for entry level kayakers and kayak schools looking for durability at an affordable price. After all, it's not just about the destination. It's about the journey.

Blade Size: 7.75in wide x 18in long
Construction: 1pc, 4pc

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