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Bimini Featured

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Gear Info


1315 C St.
Hood River
OR 97031

Phone: +1 (541) 490.9112

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Gear Type
Accessory Type
Model Year
Available Sizes
Stowed size – 24”(60.96cms)x 2”(5.08cms) diameter round package.
Size – Approx 12 sq. ft (1.1148m²)
Recommended Retail Price
USD 159.95
The new Wind Paddle Bimini offers both shade and rain shelter for all paddlers while allowing unrestricted movement for paddling, bracing and fishing.All Wind Paddle Sails are self launching, free standing sail for kayaks, canoes, sit-on-tops, paddle boards, and other small watercraft.Sunshades typically are heavy, permanently mounted structures not compatible with small, lightweight paddle craft. Features:
• unbreakable.
• weighs less than two pounds.
• removable while out on the water.
• coils and stows in a small package.
• connects to all paddle craft in minutes.

•The Wind Paddle Bimini is a Sun Shade that easily attaches to any paddle craft, usually using existing deck fasteners or hardware. Built with lightweight and unbreakable materials, the Bimini will not change the stability of your boat while offering you cool shade and protection from the elements. Just like our popular Wind Paddle Sails, the Biminis tows in a small coiled package and carries with it a lifetime warranty.

•Coiling and stowing of the Bimini can be done on the boat while out on the water. The Wind Paddle Bimini connects outside the hull of the boat too existing deck hardware. Transverse stabilizers Keep the Bimini centered on the boat.

•For closed deck kayaks, a line around the cockpit combing secures the end of the Bimini. End buckles insure an easy retrofit from boat to boat.

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