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Security Load Strap 9' Pair

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Security Load Strap 9' Pair - _ls-9-p-001-1024x1024-1418370004
Security Load Strap 9' Pair - _ls-9-p-open-001-1024x1024-1418370004

Gear Info


105 Memorial Dr.
TX 75020

Phone: +1-800-261-8541

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Gear Type
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Recommended Retail Price
USD 59
Pair of 9' security tie-down straps with a steel core weather resistant stainless steel scalped cam lock.

Includes 3 keys and complete instructions.

You can purchase additional sets of Steelcore Security Straps that will match the keys that lock the Steelcore Security Straps that you already own. Just call or e-mail Steelcore with the number on your lock and the model that you want and we will arrange it.

We also regularly make custom lengths and custom strap ends. Ends may have different hook styles and/or shackles. We also manufacture custom Steelcore Security Straps with loops on the ends. Call or e-mail Steelcore with your applications and needs.

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