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PFD In A Bag

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Gear Info

PFD In A Bag

366 Ultimo Ave
Long Beach
CA 98014

Phone: +1 562 987 3211

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Recommended Retail Price
USD 39.95
Each backpack kit includes one adult sized type II personal flotation device, safety whistle, & hardware needed to attach to board in a beach friendly backpack.

The PFD IN A BAG backpack attaches easily to stand up paddle boards and is great for holding car keys, water bottle, first aid kit & other personal items while paddling.

The United States Coast Guard now classifies stand up paddle boards as a vessel as they do kayaks and canoes. Therefore this classification requires, by federal law, that each person must have a personal flotation devise (PFD) and safety whistle ‘on board’ while paddling outside surfing and swimming zones. The enforcement of this law began on May 1, 2011 with $250 violations being cited by Lifeguards. The PFD in a Bag backpack is a simple, quick, easy and inexpensive way to adhere to this mandate.

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