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WCK Canyon Liner

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WCK Canyon Liner - 6148_1CanyonLiner_1273664067

Gear Info

North Water

#110-2331 Alberta Street
BC V5Y 4A7

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Gear Type
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Model Year
Available Sizes
3” X 6”
Tubular Webbing: 14’ X 1/2”
This amazing piece of gear was put together in association with World Class Kayak Academy. It is perfect for steep creeking and great for belaying boats and equipment. Long enough to use as a quick harness, anchoring, safety rigging and quick support for both on and off water applications. Its uses are endless. The pouch is built small enough to attach to your PFD or tuck into a pocket. It contains 14’ of 1/2” high strength webbing with a locking carabineer attached to each end. Reflective webbing gives it high visibility and the drain holes keep the water out. Bar-tacked loops allow you to adjust the working length. It also makes a great flip line.

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