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3mm, 5mm, & 7mm High Top Zipper Boot

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3mm, 5mm, & 7mm High Top Zipper Boot - 8619_SB30Z_1282140797

Gear Info


301 Orange St.
NJ 08332

Phone: +1 856.327.4300

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Durable traction sole, glued & sewn, WEB - "Water Entry Barrier", #10 heavy duty zipper
Available Sizes
4 - 16
A top choice among active divers, these tough zip-up boots provide maximum thermal protection and foot support. Whether navigating wet boat decks or sandy shores, the high-traction sole provides real stability, especially under the heavy load of scuba gear. The beefy #10 zipper is backed up by a special Water Entry Barrier that prevents water exchange and helps keep feet toasty warm.

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