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Kong Cable (SKC5200)

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Kong Cable (SKC5200) - 6171_877LassoKong_1273676055
Kong Cable (SKC5200) - 6171_KongTandem200x125_1273676056

Gear Info


P.O. Box 5135
CA 95518

Phone: +1 (707) 498-9905

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Gear Type
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Model Year
Galvanized steel aircraft cable is vinyl coated to 1/2'' thick.
4.5 lbs
Recommended Retail Price
USD 64.95
For Tandems, Sit-On-Tops, Recreational and Fishing kayaks

Lasso's New Kong Cable is designed to have the greatest versatility of any kayak lock available on the market today. The thicker cable and bigger lock are an impressive visual deterrent. If your going to lock your Kayak, make it as diffucult on the would be thief as possible.

The Kong Advantage:

Uses key or combination in the same housing for added versatitlity. If you forget your combination, use your key to open the lock and re-set your code. If you lose your key just open the lock with you personal combination code. The Kong Cable really is the ultimate in versitility.

Sliding keyhole cover keeps blowing salt air out and the locking mechanisum clean from debris.

Easily set the combination to any 4-digit number you choose.

The Kong Cable and the Original Lasso secures your whole boat, not just a grab loop or other attachment and is a striking visual deterrent.

This modle will fit all double-occupant closed or open deck Touring, Sit-On Top/ Recreational and fishing kayaks that we are familiar with.*

• Does not fit triple cockpit kayaks.


# Overall length is roughly 16'

# Loop size is approximately 55''

# Tail length with lock is approximately 67''

# Can use key or combination in the same lock housing.

# Has re-settable combination code that you choose.

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