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Women's Short Sleeve Session

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Women's Short Sleeve Session - 7566_wssssessionturq_1277300981
Women's Short Sleeve Session - 7566_WSSSessionCF_1277300982

Gear Info

Immersion Research

808 Oden street
PA 15424

Phone: +1 814-395-9191

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Gear Type
Model Year
Waterproof, highly breathable 2-layer shell fabric
Available Colors
Turquoise, Cornflower
Available Sizes
Sex Specific
Recommended Retail Price
USD 140
A highly breathable shorty with a mesh liner and inner tunnel. Great for high-performance summer paddling.

A short sleeve version of our Session Jacket. This is a lightweight jacket designed for women and meant for high performance paddling. Made with waterproof, highly breathable 2-layer shell fabric and an antimicrobial mesh liner, neoprene neck gasket, inner tunnel, all-neoprene bicep gaskets, and an adjustable neoprene waistband. Seam taped throughout.

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