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Hybrid Skin

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Hybrid Skin - 7585_HYBIRDSKINLSDRKGRY_1277313443
Hybrid Skin - 7585_HYBIRDSKINkhaki_1277313444

Gear Info

Immersion Research

808 Oden street
PA 15424

Phone: +1 814-395-9191

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Gear Type
Model Year
High performance micro fleece
Available Colors
Khaki, Dark Gray
Available Sizes
Sex Specific
Recommended Retail Price
USD 50
A fully functional mid-weight layering piece that looks good on or off the river.

A long sleeve, multi-sport garment that combines street style with a paddlers needs. This soft, fast drying, high performance micro fleece garment has a wind proof, midweight body and lightweight sleeves. It can be worn on and off the river.

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