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Waterproof Shell

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Waterproof Shell - _Screen Shot 2012-04-12 at 7.58.37-am-1334210345
Waterproof Shell - _Screen Shot 2012-04-12 at 7.58.48-am-1334210345

Gear Info

Epic Cameras

Stealth Cam, LLC
P.O. Box 539504
Grand Prairie
TX 75053

Phone: +1-877-269-8490

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Gear Type
Model Year
Available Sizes
Available for Action, Wide and HD models.
Recommended Retail Price
USD 29.99
While the EPIC is splash resistant, the waterproof housing shell is a must for any extreme wet sport.
The shell makes the EPIC completely waterproof down to a depth of 20 feet.

• Clear plastic housing with inner seal.
• Quick release camera mount compatible with all EPIC mounting devices.

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