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Argus 150

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Argus 150 - _1_1298731403
Argus 150 - 10765_2_1298731711

Gear Info


Box 60
545 02

Phone: +46 506-369 90

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Gear Type
Model Year
Available Colors
Red, Black
Available Sizes
One size 40 - 150 kg
The Argus is fitted with a status window so you can check the colored indicators that the lifejacket is ready for use. Baltic burst zip closure (see inspection video). The collar has a fleece lining for comfort even when wearing foul weather clothing. The wide and comfortable crutch strap can be stowed away when not required. Fitted with a quick release waistband, six retro-reflective patches, whistle and lifting becket. Four toggles are also fitted three to attach the lifejacket to foul weather clothing the other to attach the optional spray hood. Optional extras: SLX lifejacket light 2401, Spray hood 2516. Automatic reaming requires 33grams CO2 cylinder Part no 2433 and Automatic cartridge part no 2520.

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