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Kayak Cover

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Kayak Cover - _kayakcover-main-1383176168
Kayak Cover - _kayakcover-detail-1383176168

Gear Info

Advanced Elements

P.O. Box 5128
CA 94524

Phone: +1 707-745-9800 / 866-262-9076

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Gear Type
Accessory Type
Model Year
600D Polyester
Available Colors
Light Grey
Available Sizes
Two sizes: Medium (fits kayaks up to 11' in length) and Large (fits kayaks up to 15' in length). Both covers with fit kayaks with a circumference up to 73".
4.5 lbs/6.6 lbs
Recommended Retail Price
79.99/99.99 USD
Give your kayak long-term protection from the elements. Easy to use roll-and-clip closure allows adjustment for multiple kayak lengths.

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