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Kayaker's Toolbox

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Kayaker's Toolbox - 51w6pkTKsIL

Film Info

Release Date
August 21, 2007
Grace Under Pressure Crew
Run Time
150 min.

Film Partners

The Kayakers Toolbox is chock full of precision crafted tools to help the Novice Kayaker meet the many challenges of whitewater kayaking. From the makers of Grace Under Pressure, Kayak 101 and Nitty Gritty, comes the next quantum leap in video kayak instruction. Shot entirely in vivid HD, with over 2 1/2 hours of video instruction, the Kayakers Toolbox is 5 complete videos in one intelligently designed, easy to navigate DVD. Boat control video; all the tools needed to control your kayak on the lake and in the river. Paddling concepts, strokes and the body mechanics of paddling are all explained. Water Reading video; all the tools needed for knowing where to go and where not to go on the river. River Running video; catching eddies, ferries and peel outs, river strategies plus much more. Rolling video; complete C to C and Sweep Roll instruction plus tips for learning, troubleshooting your roll and fundamental concepts true to all forms of rolling. Safety video; Whitewater swimming, river signals and group safety.

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