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Sea Kayaking - The Ultimate Guide

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Sea Kayaking - The Ultimate Guide - 51hGL4NOEdL

Film Info

Release Date
June 01, 2005
Ken Whiting
Ken Whiting;Alex Matthews;Ruth Gordon
Run Time
120 min.

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The Ultimate Guide to Sea Kayaking is a four-part video by World Champion Kayaker, Ken Whiting, and expert sea kayaker, Alex Matthews, which provides both new and experienced paddlers with the knowledge and skills necessary to safely and comfortably enjoy sea kayaking. PART ONE introduces new paddlers to the sport, to the equipement that gets used and to important issues to understand before you hit the water. PART TWO focuses on the Essential strokes and techniques. PART THREE looks exclusively at rescue techniques. PART FOUR deals with more advanced paddling techniques, such as preparing for multi-day trips, and dealing with such things as surf, current and weather.

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