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This Is Canoeing

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Film Info

Release Date
March 12, 2010
GBP 19.99 / USD 29.95
Kevin Callan – Becky Mason – Paul Mason – Mark Scriver- Andrew Westwood - Karen Knight – Bob Foote – Ray Goodwin - Wendy Grater - Chris Cooper – Dave Rossetter – Eli Helbert - John ‘Kaz’ Kazimierczyk – Hailey Thompson – Carolyn Peterson.
Run Time
180 minutes

Film Partners

THIS IS CANOEING” is a 2-disc celebration of canoeing, showcasing top single-blade paddlers in their pursuit of remote wilderness journeys or challenging white water. Multi-award winning film maker, Justine Curgenven captures the essence of canoeing in 12 short films. From open canoe slalom races to 1,000 mile birchbark expeditions, Justine provides insights into the diversity of the sport and the influential people who tell it’s story. Immerse yourself in this globe-trotting 3 hours of adventure to world class canoeing destinations in Canada, the United States, Scotland & Wales.

The Films:

Mountain River – The Mountain River in the NWT is the ‘best wilderness river’ in Canada, according to the guides from leading adventure company ‘Blackfeather.’ Wendy Grater, owner of Blackfeather, expertly takes us 370km down this wild, whitewater river which is visited by less than 150 canoeists every year. This really is a dream trip as we spend 2 weeks paddling from the source of the river high in the breathtaking Mackenzie mountains right to where the river feeds into the MacKenzie. The river drops 1,200metres with a constant fast flow. Five beautiful canyons provide challenging and exciting rapids, & cause a few canoes to flip over. Mountain hikes, herds of caribou and natural springs are highlights of the trip in this amazing wilderness.

Kevin Callan – The well known author & tripper, fondly known as “Mr Canoehead” talks about his passion for canoeing and wilderness at Algonquin’s Barron Canyon. Beautiful misty morning paddling shots & good humor from Kevin.

Canoe Dance - 5 times National Champion in Interpretive Freestyle Canoeing, Karen Knight is recognized internationally for her paddling finesse and precision. A “ballerina on the water”, Karen performs one of her stunning solo freestyle routines. Her partner, Bob Foote (recently named one of paddlesports 100 heros) joins her for a graceful tandem performance. This film was a finalist at the Kendal Mountain Film festival in 2009.

Spirit Dancer – Canadian Chris Cooper helms a 42-foot voyageur canoe, Spirit Dancer, around the turbulent waters of Great Britain, picking up a local crew along the way. We film himon the beautiful island of Skye in Scotland, complete with bagpipes, castles & moody moors.

Becky Mason - Becky Mason has been called Canada’s first lady of wooden canoes. She’s known for her elegant paddling of traditional canoes and her beautiful watercolours. The daughter of legendary canoeist and filmmaker Bill Mason takes us on her favourite local paddle to the beautiful Lac Vert in Quebec. She takes her memories home to her studio where she paints her impressions of what she’s experienced. A charming insight into this influential paddler.

Riding the Moose – Top Canadian whitewater canoeists Paul Mason, Mark Scriver & Andrew Westwood rip it up on the Moose and Independence rivers in New York state, running a series of beautiful and challenging grade 5 waterfalls and slides. You have to be bold to run these big volume rapids in open canoes without spray decks. They don’t come much bolder than former world champion Mark Scriver! All the paddlers provide insights into what makes them take on these challenges. Plenty of thrills, spills and heart stopping moments. Also featuring Martin Talbot & 15 year old Aleisha Greve.

Open Canoe Slalom – John “Kaz” Kazimierczy is the fastest open boat racer ever with an incredible 101 national first place titles in slalom, downriver and marathon. Nominated a ‘paddler of the century’, he has dominated the sport of open canoe slalom for the last 20 years. Through his company, Millbrook Boats he designs and builds the fastest slalom boats in the world. At the 2009 national open boat slalom championships in Wausau, Wisconsin he’s got a fight on his hands, as Canadian Andy Walker has been training hard to try to knock Kaz off the top spot. Also featuring former world champion Eli Helbert & US C1 team member Carolyn Peterson.

Birchbark man – Erik Simula spent the summer of 2009 paddling 1,000-miles across the Minnesota Arrowhead in his hand-made birch bark canoe, with only his dog “Kitigan” for company. Following traditional trails Erik lives off the land as much as possible, fishing, and eating wild rice for food. In this charming film, Erik paddles on Lake Superior and in the Boundary waters area. He mends his canoe in the field, and talks about his passion for wild places and all things birchbark.

Ray Goodwin – Ray blazed the trail in the UK with the open canoe. He completed the first complete canoe circumnavigation of Wales and the first unsupported crossing of the Irish Sea. He also accompanied TV survival expert Ray Mears down the Bonnet Plume River. Ray and his trusty dog Dillie take us canoe sailing on Bala Lake and paddling and poling on the river Dee.

Hailey Thompson - Hailey Thompson is a name to watch. The 15 year old girl from Wisconsin has already made the US senior team for canoe slalom and competed in the world championships in Europe in 2009.We film Hailey at home, paddling in Wisconsin’s north Lakes, winning medals in the open canoe slalom national championships and hope to have footage from the world championships decked canoe slalom.

Rannoch Moor – Dave Rossetter takes us on one of the classic British canoe journeys, across Scotlands rugged & beautiful Rannoch Moor. The 3-day trip involves paddling, portaging, lining, sailing & lots of whitewater. There’s even a boat pinning captured on film.

Dougie down the Pet - Scott MacGregor takes his 4-year old son down Algonquin’s Petawawa river in October. The frosty mornings contrast with the touching warmth of the father-son relationship on this classic whitewater river. Dougie runs challenging rapids, climbs up the Natch cliffs, fishes for muskie & toasts marshmallows in this endearing feel-good film.

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